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80 Questions
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 | Time: 8:01 PM

Tagged by : XiaoQin (facebook) I was tagged on facebook :D I'm gonna go COPY and PASTE! :P

1.This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it?
- o.o I guess...?

2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
- The last person was Suet Yi.. o.o so.. Liew? XD

3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
- not really o.o I still feel sleepy. :x Anyways I just woke up ;x

4. When were you on the phone last? And with who?
- er... yesterday night? o.o CHEE SU MINNN~ :D

5.What is the last thing someone bought you?
- o.o I don't know o.o I'm very forgetful "o(@_@)o"

6.What’s something that can always make you feel better?
- O.O er... music? :D

7. What are you excited for?
- CHRISTMAS PRESENTSSSSSSSS~ xD I'm gonna go write to Santa! :P

8. What were you doing yesterday?
- Suet Yi came over and we baked MUFFINS :3 CHOCOLATE MUFFINS~ :D

9. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you?
- er...? o.O no one I guess? ;O

10. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
- Food? :D

11. Have a best friend?
- Who doesn't? :P

12. Are you scared to fall in love?
- o.O? JUST FALL! "o(@_@)o" why would anyone be scared? o.O

13. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
- Why not? o.o Still humans, still have feelings... :D

14. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
- Nmm... ;O I don't know actually O.O

15. What time is it right this second?
- 12:07 p.m. :D

16. What do you want right now?
- LG CHOCHOLATE~ :p and... to go to Korea~ :D *daydreams* "o(^w^)o"

17. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
- o.O er... I don't know.. My mom and twin? o.o I don't really take pictures ;O

18. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?

- Single and UNavailable :p

19. When was the last time you cried?
- Don't wanna tell you! :P

20. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
- o.o I don't know if it's counted as good o.o

21. Do you find it hard to trust others?
- Not really o.o I trust people easily o.O

22. How fast does your mind change?
- Why not ask my brain? :D

23. I bet you miss somebody right now.
- Yeap I do~ :P my FRIENDS~ :D and DBSK

24. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
- o.o nope I'm not okay.. I'm GOOD :P

25. Why do you think so many people cheat?
- o.O? How would I know?! "o(@_@)o" They did what they wanted to... o.o

26. Tell me what's on your mind.
- DBSK ;O uhm... DBSK ;O Phone o.o Nmm... DBSK :D mmm... Korea xD and... uhm.. o.o DBSK :p

27. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
- To be in Korea ;p

28. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
- o.o My brother's shirt :D

29. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
- "o(@_@)o" seriously... why do you want to know anyway? o.o it's not like you know my friends~ :p

30. When is your next road trip?
- Why not you just go ahead and ask my parents, huh? :D That would make things WAYYY easier :D

31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
- Yes~ No~ Maybe so~ Maybe yes~ Maybe No~ I don't know~ :p

32. How's your heart?
- o.o My heart? *touches chest* o.O hmm... working fine :D Thanks for asking... and o.o I don't have heart illness~ "o(O 3 O)o"

33. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?
- o.o er... I don't know? o.o ask my heart :D

34. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
- ;O ohh yeahh ~ :D My family and my friends :P

35. What are you planning on doing after this?
- :x Shower? :D

36. When will your next kiss take place?
- :D why not you get yourself in a time machine and stalk me! :D

37. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
- o.o nope ;O wait... I LOVE YOU! :D there I did it :p

38. Who do you not get along with?
- Some people I guess? "o( = 3=)o" You're asking weird questions

39. What does your 3rd recent text say?
- o.O er... Something about my cousin going out with me? ( I AM NOT going to check it! D: )

40. What are you wearing right now?
- o.o an over sized t-shirt and short pants ;O o.o what?! I just woke up :x

41.Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
- o.o who do I like? :P

42. When's the last time you had a grilled cheese?
- o.o I dont know.. o.o Go get a time machine :p

43. What's your favorite boy and girl name right now?
- er... o.o why of all things NAMES?! o.O?

44. How did you feel when you woke up?
- S-l-e-e-p-y :p

45. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
- Not really ;O nope.. o.o

46. Do you crack your knuckles?
- Sometimes? o.o

47. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
- Chatting with a guy on IMVU? :O and.. um... faceboook-ing :p

48. What are your LEGAL initials?
- o.O er... why weird questions? :D

49. Who's the first B in your contacts?
- Er... Babo Bei? :D

50. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
- When I was in school... "o(T^T)o" Happily enjoying with my buddies D: T___T I MISS YOU GUYS~ D:

51. Your number 1 top friend walks out of your life, do you go after them?
- OF COURSE?! O.O Do you want your friends to walk out of your life?! NO WAY RIGHT?! D:

52. Last awkward moment?
- o.O er... Don't know ;O

53. Are you afraid of the dark?
- :x *looks down* er... kinda? :x

54. Do you have good vision?
- I'm blind~ :p I don't know if it's counted as good anyways o.o go ask an eye specialist :p

55. Have you ever tripped someone?
- Not really? o.o No.. Nope nope :D

56. Have you ever slapped someone?
- Kinda ;o my brother :x eh hehe~ xD I WANT MY COOKIE MONSTERRR~ :D rawr~ :3

57. Are you Irish?
- o.O Asiannnn~ :D Malaysiannnn~ :D

58. Do you use chap stick?
- o.O isn't it CHOP sticks? o.o Chap stick o.o? *checks dictionary* ;O

59. Do you have any scars?
- yeah ;O forehead :x

60. Is there someone you will never forgive?
- o.o I don't know o.o

61. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?
- Not really? o.o weird questions ~ "o(O 3 O)o"

62. Name the last person to text you?

63. Would you marry someone 8 years older than you?
- Maybe? o.o If I like him ;O AGE is a NUMBER! :p

64. Can you go in public looking like you do?
- er... o.o Whatttttt?!

65. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
- left? ;O twin sleeps on the right :p

66. Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
- o.o er.. I don't know o.o I think I make them smile more easily? ;O

67. What's the first thing you'll do on your wedding day?
- Go get a time machine please~ :D

68. Do you fall for people easily?
- I don't know o.o ASK MY HEART :D

69. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
- o.o nope ;O *glares* Don't touchy touchy me, STALKER! :x

70. Do you miss the way things used to be?
- kinda D: *goes to a corner* D: *the corner darkens*

71. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
- Not really ;O I just say? ;O sometimes not? ;O

72. Song you're thinking of right now?
- DBSK - Micky YooChun - My Girlfriend :p S2

73. Want someone back in your life?
- yeah D; more than one D:

74. Will tomorrow be better than today?
- I dont know ;O TIME MACHINE :D

75. What’s the color of you’re shirt you are wearing?
- Black ;O with blue green yellow red and... BLACK :D

76. Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
- D: NOOO too bad :P do you want to be the first person? xD

77. Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
- D: Kinda

78. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
- o.O my twin? :D

79. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?

80. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?
- ;O wooo yes yes~ xD Micky Yoo Chun Chun Chun Chun CHUNNIE~ S2 xD ah hahh~ :p *get hits by fans* ahh Ouchy D: Okayy! Fine I stop D;

Tags : I, Bei Li tag ANYONE who READS my stupid taggie waggie :D

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